Have you been thinking about starting a site on wordpress? Do you already have one but, are uncertain how to make it better? Either way, you have come to the right place. Here are some suggestions to help you understand what the pros know. A successful site can be yours if you use these ideas.
If you plan to start a WordPress blog, make sure that you offer readers more than just content. Even if you say many useful things, it may be quite difficult to engage readers with text. It would be a great idea to implement videos and pictures since this is a great attention grabber.
Pay attention to your footer. The bottom of your page does not just have to be wasted space. Instead, put in an important link or work in a few words about who you are and what you do. You could even use the footer to tell visitors a little more about the site itself.
The title and Alt keys should be used. when uploading post images. This area is going to let you put in some great SEO keywords within your content, and they also let viewers see what you have on the site when they can’t access images.
One reason WordPress is so great to work with is that its plug-ins offer a dazzling array of functions. Be that as it may, you want to be careful when selecting plug-ins. Don’t just start downloading them willy-nilly. Begin with the essential plug-ins: WP DataBase BackUp, All-In-One SEO Pack and WP Optimize. Choose others with care to get precisely what you need.
Make a schedule when you wish to start posting. If you schedule when things must be posted, you’re more likely to actually post them. The fact is, you will be able to write several posts all at once, and then have WordPress upload them on a set schedule.
You must specify if you want your post to appear in other than chronological order. To change it, modify the date. You can see the date when you open up a post. Click on date, modify it and save the post so you can change the position.
Make sure that your wordpress site loads as fast as possible for your visitors. This is vital, as a site that crashes or takes too long will discourage your users from visiting it. A fast site will put your users in a good mood when they come there on a daily basis.
Have an easy to find library. Time is money and you don’t need to check tons of folders to find one thing. It is easier to find things in your WordPress theme when everything is in one integrated folder. This makes searching through your Media Library much easier since it only involves inputting a keyword for what you’re looking for.
Video should be essential for your wordpress website or blog for greater exposure.
When using WordPress, you can even add videos to your site. While you may need to prepare a little more, that makes things worth it. The majority of web surfers are visual in nature. Videos are great at getting points across that words can miss.
Many people are responding to video blogs, so consider this option. Video blogging is not only becoming more popular, it is also becoming much easier to use. WordPress, in its current version, makes the use of video blogging easy. This can really increase traffic by drawing those who are less inclined to read.
You can insert media into your posts just by pasting the URL where you’d like the media to appear. For example, paste in a YouTube video just by putting the URL within the text where you want the video to play. Be sure that the URL doesn’t turn blue – if it does, highlight it and click the unlink button.
Looking to embed a YouTube video to add a little multimedia to your WordPress site? You can do it really easily. All you need to do is paste the YouTube video share link right into your post’s body. Place it exactly where you want it to appear on the page. The YouTube video will magically appear in your post!
You now know more about how to operate a wordpress site successfully. These ideas are a great way to improve an existing blog or start a brand new one. Bookmark this page. Return to it frequently as you work on your site. Soon, you will have a noticeable gain in site visitors.
Robert Haller, St Louis Video Producer
St Louis Video Production